You control your destiny - AND YOU ALWAYS HAVE


For my REALTOR Friends today, here's a quick thought: You control your destiny - AND YOU ALWAYS HAVE. Even if you don’t fully believe it, even the data promises it to you.

The percentage of sellers found their agent from their sphere of influence, worked with same realtor as their last time or were directly prospected by their agent by phone or email:

NAR 2019: 71%
NAR 2017: 69%
NAR 2014: 65%
NAR 2011: 66%

In those same years, even after a decade of technology innovation, the percentage of sellers who selected their agent from “An Internet Web Site” was: 4%, 5%, 4% an 3% respectively

Meanwhile, the percentage of sellers who found their agent by “Other” in the same reports was consistently over 10% - outperforming websites 2-1 and things like direct mail, specialty advertising and un-connected social media by nearly 10X.

So, seems to me, the best way to get seller clients is to make friends, use great CRM to stay friends, and ask them to introduce you to their friends. Followed by doing Other (whatever that is) every day! Don't worry too much about the competitor, the disruptor or the latest shiny thing.

YOU are the key to your success.

Always have been; always will be.
