Nobody Needs More Marketing

Ever watch HGTV? 

Notice how they don’t have a program about interest rates. They don’t have a nightly update on inventory shortages. There isn’t a weekly announcement about the latest lockboxes or forms-signing software. And the better shows feature people talking about their dreams to professionals who are listening and not bragging. 

Real estate happens at the corner of life and change. Every sale, every purchase has more than a net-proceeds sheet and a beat-the-price deal. 

Every sale has a story. 

The other day I received a three-line reply to my newsletter from a repeat client, a source of referrals, a long-term advocate - in other words, a Friend. She wrote:

“This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you for reminding us why we do this. I’m sharing it with my tribe.”

Imagine making that response the purpose, the goal, of your message!

Marketing is talking about markets. 
Messaging is about making a difference in lives. 

What do you want to do?

Generate friendships not leads. 
Nurture relationships not prospects. 
Manage moments of time well spent, not databases.
Discuss growth opportunities not interest rates. 
Send out certainty not ripples of fear of missing out. 

Nobody hires a vending machine to sell their home. 

Remind them you’re more than a pricing algorithm. 
Give them a reason to say, whether you appear on their timeline or inbox or videophone,
“I’m so glad it’s YOU today, my friend.”
Make the best part of their next sale, their next story,
the fact that they had a little help from:

