The Basics Still Serve Us Well


Today I’m reflecting on one of the little ironies of navigating life’s big problems. So much of what we need to be successful, we learn when we’re young. All those little lessons from our grandparents and kindergarten teachers are some of the best tools we have to stay safe, healthy and optimistic during dark, dangerous times. A few that come to mind:

* Cover your mouth
* Wash your hands
* Walk single file
* Don’t complain loudly
* Save your pennies
* Help your friends
* Be kind to strangers
* Pick up after yourself
* Please and Thank You
* Do Your Part
* Tell the Truth
* Always look on the bright side of life

I’m sure there are more. And these won’t cure everything that ails us. But consider how powerful they can be to keep our bodies and minds healthy in tough times. And each of these costs nothing to practice, to share and to model to our neighbors. Good reminders that no matter how complicated life gets, the basics still serve us well.

I firmly believe that if we all do the basics, it will create the time and energy for our best and brightest to do the rest.
