An Extra Dose of Patience

Have a little extra patience with each other - and ourselves - as we reconnect in the public square.

As we venture out into the next uncertainty of post-pandemic lives, it will take some time to feel our way forward. I, for one, won't just instantly set aside the effects of the last year. So what can I do to re-enter the world with confidence and hope? I remind myself daily to -

Give each other a little space as we feel our way outside, in the office, at restaurants and malls.
Offer a kind word or two - if my smile is still behind a mask - to lift my own spirits as it lowers the anxiety of others.

Spread peace of mind; act to reduce the uncomfortable, uncertain or overwhelmed moments you or others may still be feeling with an extra dose of kindness and forgiveness as we all move ahead.

It's okay to think we won't just "go back to normal" because we're suddenly vaccinated; or a rule has been lifted; or the news has been distracted. Just as we all reacted slowly and emotionally to being restricted, we will also react cautiously to getting reacquainted with the new life in public spaces.

And though it won't be like before, we must trust that we'll make it okay.

May I also remember: How important that I should not to add to the uncertainty. Nobody signed up to hear mutterings about hoaxes; nobody requested my input on whether and when to still wear a mask; nobody takes kindly to being made to feel embarrassed or ridiculed or incorrect when they are just trying their best. I am not to say what makes sense for someone else, having never walked a mile in their shoes - or mask - or mind - in the last year.

More than one virus affected us in the last year. The medical one threatened our bodies; a psychological one has challenged our minds. We have endured a sustained period of real danger and media-amplified hysteria on so many levels - medical, political, social, economic - that whatever our natural strengths, has left us all more on edge, regardless of its right or wrong.

Just as the health vaccine is administered by a needle,
Our social cure can be spread by a little grace.
If not a handshake, a polite word.
If not ready to go back to before, you're not alone.
Be first to give yourself a break,
And one to others, too.

An ounce of patience can cure
A world of patients.
It starts with me - and YOU!
