Just FIVE Conversations a Day

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A little thought for my friends having their weekly sales meetings:

An article recently noted that there were currently more Realtors than houses for sale in America. Some see that as a problem. I see an opportunity. So let’s activate the potential network effect of all that talent!

If each salesperson closed at only 1%:
And had 5 conversations a day,
Just 5 days a week:
At 25 per week,
And 100 per month,
And 1200 per year,
They’d create 12 listings each
Multiplied by 1.5 million realtors....

That’s half the annual sales volume.
Without a single dollar spent on postcards, pay-per-clicks, portals, videos, drip campaigns or print ads or whatnots.

Just talking to people in your sphere of influence.

Now turn that up to 2% closing ratio. Or maybe even 5%. Make it six chats instead of five. What would we get?

Plenty of inventory. Prices stabilize. Growth effect on local economies soars. Household wealth creates unlimited opportunity.

The ripple effect to create a golden age of prosperity starts with a few good conversations every day, from a few good people -

Like me, and YOU!
