Matthew Ferrara, Philosopher

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You're on Track

Note to Self: You’re on Track

Sometimes we get distracted by what’s off-course rather than what’s still on-target. So I take a moment each day to double-check.

On a coaching call this week, I reminded a real estate broker friend that we’re on track to sell about 4.5 million homes existing this year, and over 5 million if we count new construction.

That’s 20,833 homes sold every day of the week.
That’s 20,000-40,000 salespeople involved in a sale every day.
That’s 20,000-40,000 households moving forward with their lives.

That’s a similarly BIG number of mortgages, inspections, appraisals, movers, refurbished, and more.

Heck, it probably even means a few thousand TikToks each day, too.
Who knows where that will lead?

What’s important to remember is that SOMEONE is going to make a sale TODAY. Talk to thousands of consumers by noon. Add inventory to the market before five. Collaborate with a colleague on a deal. Make a referral across the country. Seems to me like we’re doing exactly what we need to be doing to make a good living, and do some good deeds along the way.

In other words, we’re ON TRACK.
For today’s work.
For today’s growth.
For the situation at hand -
Today and tomorrow.

It doesn’t matter how today compares to numbers from yesterday or yesteryear. Unless you have a time machine. Stop thinking about things that no longer exist. Get working on the opportunity that’s HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. Because LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE ON TRACK NOW and will be tomorrow.

With everything and everyone at our fingertips, every tool, technique and colleague, can you really be that worried that today that person ON TRACK for SUCCESS can’t be -

