[VIDEO CLIP] Will the Media Just Give it a Rest?

[VIDEO CLIP] Will the Media Just Give it a Rest?

It’s time to tell the media to take a break! Imagine if 1.5 million real estate professionals reached out to ONE person a day and said, “Let me share the rest of the story. We’ve got this!”

Finding the Good News

Finding the Good News

Let me tell you about something I do every Friday,” I said and proceeded to tell him about GOOD NEWS FRIDAYS I’ve shared for the past few years. “I simply point out a few one-line positives that would otherwise go overlooked.

The Sky is Not Falling

The Sky is Not Falling

It's one thing if your customer is misled by the media about the marketplace.
It's another to allow your clients to be misled by the media, when you have far more information than any journalist.
The kind of Information that tells you the SKY IS NOT falling.
Not. Even. Close.

Keep an Eye Out for What Didn’t Happen, Too.

Keep an Eye Out for What Didn’t Happen, Too.

I watched some talking heads at a conference recently and it occurred to me: A funny thing happened on the way to “the future” where ‘bots and technology were supposed to replace well-trained people:

They didn’t.